Boston Herald | Sutton Foster looks beyond Pops concerts 
to art, TV Land’s ‘Younger’ and more

Photo by Laura Marie DuncanSutton Foster’s fans probably won’t be surprised to hear that one of her favorite songs in her live show is John Denver’s “Sunshine on My Shoulders.” While it’s not exactly the kind of Broadway number she’s known for, the tune’s upbeat sentiments make it a perfect fit for her personality.
“I’m not 100 percent puppy dogs and rainbows, but, in general, I try to maintain that kind of outlook,” she said by phone from New York. “Concert work is awesome, not to be hiding behind any character or costume and just saying, ‘Hey, this is who I am.’ I heard a lot of John Denver from my parents growing up, and something about his voice just evokes nature and I’m very drawn to that. We lost my mother a couple of years ago, and she really loved it, too, so it’s such a gift that I get to sing it for her every night. So that’s the kind of song that captures me in the clearest light.”
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